bachelor of arts in practical theology
Bachelor of Arts in Practical Theology
The practical theology major provides students with the theological and biblical foundation and the ministerial skills for service in the local church as well as future graduate studies.
Core (12 hours)
BIB 3391 – Biblical Interpretation
PTH 2311 – Introduction to Theological Reflection
PTH 4300 – Christian Doctrines
PTH 4331 – History of Christianity
Required Courses (9 hours)
CED 1100 – Introduction to Ministry
CED 3200 – Supervised Ministry
PTH 2331 – Communicative Preaching
**PTH 3311 – Baptist Identity
Select one from the following (3 hours)
CCS 4341 – World Religions
PTH 3323 – Christian Ethics
Select one from the following (3 hours)
PTH 4304 – Special Topics in Theology
PTH 4333 – Theology & Culture
Select nine (9) additional hours from the following courses
*CCS 4341 – World Religions
CED 4371 – Ministry Leadership
CED 4380 – Principles of Teaching
PTH 3314 – Spiritual Formation
*PTH 3323 – Christian Ethics
PTH 3331 – The Work of the Minister
PTH 4304 – Special Topics in Theology
*PTH 4333 – Theology & Culture
PTH 1101-4609 – Special Studies
*Note: These courses will not count twice.
**Non-Baptist students may choose another 3000/4000-level PTH course instead.
Biblical Principles and Tools for Personal and Spiritual Wellness (11 hours)
GEN 1101 – University Seminar
BIB 1303 – Introduction to the Old Testament
BIB 1304 – Introduction to the New Testament
KIN 1100 – Principles of Personal Fitness & Wellness
Two KIN 1-hour activity courses
GEN 4100 – Senior Seminar
Communication in a Variety of Modes and Media (9 hours)
COM 1310 – Fundamentals of Human Communication
ENG 1311 – English Composition I
ENG 1312 – Composition II Writing
Scientific and Mathematical Reasoning (7 hours)
College Algebra (MAT 1351 or higher)
Lab Science (4 hours)
Arts, Culture and Citizenship (15 hours)
Literature (2000 level English Literature)
History (3 hours)
GOV 2311 – American Government
Social Science (Psychology, Sociology, History, or Political Science)
Fine Arts Appreciation Course
Foreign Language (12 hours)
Greek or Greek/Hebrew recommended
Technology Component (3 hours)
CIS 1339 – Introduction to Information Technology
Optional Minor Area (18-24 hours)
Electives (16-40 hours)
Students must maintain a 2.00 overall GPA and a 2.50 GPA in their major.